
I'm a freshman. I made this blog to show my journey through highschool. A lot of people experience it differently. I created this to show others what it's like for a regular, real-life teen. It's basically like an online diary, but public. I will not share my name, but I use my friend's first names to make reading this easier. This blog will last through the end of my senior year.

[created: August 2010]

Sunday, October 17, 2010


  Okay, I forgot to mention this --

Friday afternoon, I read my horoscope on Facebook, and the end of it said something like this:
   "Pay attention to your dreams tonight.
      They may mean something important in your life."

So guess what my dream was that night? It was that Matt told me he loved me. Yeah. I didn't realize that till yesterday, then I forgot about it, then I just remembered it. So yeah, I though y'all should know that...

And just so you know, it didn't actually happen, it was just a dream. But it means something:)


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